Make it easy to get around

Businesses that stick to the old SEO trick of “stuff a post with keywords and use metadata” will get left behind. SEO isn’t about tricking Google or working with spiders – it’s about creating content that wants to get read by your customers. Links don't matter that much for ranking in the Featured Snippet when you already rank on page one of Google. Once you create your blog, stick to the same domain for as long as you continue to publish. You could end up losing a lot of your organic traffic, your readers and all your search engine listings if you decide to move or change your domain and URLs. We know consumers want personal interactions with brands, but they also want them in real time

Broken links

Gut, brain, intuition, emotional intelligence, whatever you want to call it, humans can’t be beat for determining relevance. It seems like content should be engineered for an outcome. If you just start with an article and then ask yourself how to get traction to this everywhere, that doesn’t always work. You may begin with top-level, aggregate numbers, but you must drill down into specific pages that can improve products, services, and business sales. If you look at the big picture, social media opens opportunities that eventually lead to SEO benefits.

Auditing Existing Content

Google can, and does, ignore low relevance links. The worst offenders are generic links (“click here”) and even worse, off-topic links. If you want to use your SEO campaign to truly and accurately speak to your audience and potential buyers, think about what gaps you can fill that competitors don’t. Find out which keywords and phrases people frequently search for as well as what is trending. A look at what the competition is using could also help you. Customized information will make sure your brand is memorable and distinct from all your ho-hum competitors.

Make mobile and computer navigation easy

In a link building campaign, you have to find target Web sites in the first place, review them to decide if asking for a link is worthwhile, identify the contact person and send them a customized link request. Producing content for search engines is also content marketing, list building, and relationship marketing. With the many different resources available for finding keywords people are actually using in their searches, it shouldn’t be too difficult to get through this stage of Search Engine Optimization successfully. Gaz Hall, a UK based SEO Specialist, commented: "How powerful is your domain name? How well does it rank in those all-important search engines? The measure of your domain name’s power is called “domain authority,” and it depends on three general factors: size, age, and popularity."

Include your target keyword within your URL

There are two types of backlinks, and they are internal backlinks and external backlinks. Remember, Google doesn’t like content written for SEO purposes. The key to quality SEO is all about research research research. Strive to incorporate a small handful of links to authoritative sources throughout your copy. This communicates to your readers (and to Google’s algorithms) that your content, while unique, gives credit where it’s due.