Design properties

Driving question: What are some recipes that children can make for themselves in order to become healthier eaters?
Learning time
4 hours and 40 minutes
Designed time
4 hours and 40 minutes
Size of class
Cooking! (with Authentic Texts) How many problems can you solve with food? What situations could you improve with the right recipe or menu? Let's take on health problems with a cookbook of cheap, simple and healthy recipes that kids can make for themselves.
Lexical elements - to be able to recognize and name the vocabulary connected to food and use it in appropriate language situations; Grammatical structures - to be able to: use the Present Simple tense and imperative, recognize and use countable and uncountable nouns, use some/any correctly; Language functions - to be able to: ask and answer questions, express quantity, give opinion (likes/dislikes), give and follow instructions; Listening - to be able to understand short video/audio materials; Speaking - to be able to: pronounce the vocabulary connected to food; use the vocabulary, grammatical structures and language functions in appropriate language situations; Reading - to be able to understand short texts or dialogues; Writing - to be able to write short sentences in aspect of spelling, structure and punctuation. (*The aims are taken from the Ministry of education/ National Pedagogical institute's site - subject: English language 4th grade)
Knowledge, Use, Question, Compare (and contrast), Generalise, Design, Reflect, Give feedback, Show awareness of, Uncategorised

Timeline controls


Introduction activity and brainstorming
40 minutes)
  • Read Watch Listen
    The teacher displays the image (resources-Healthy eating) on the LCD projector and asks students to predict what the Topic of the lesson is with the partner next to them. They use the collaborative strategy: Think-Pair-Share for the activity. (see Notes). The driving question is introduced to the students and teachers explains that in the next 7 lessons they'll be doing different activities in order to create a Cookbook of cheap, simple and healthy recipes that kids can make for themselves.
  • Discuss
    The teacher divides the class into teams of 4. Each team gets a Placemat template (resources - Placemat). Using the collaborative strategy: Place mat, the students take time to reflect individually and record what they currently know about healthy eating in their allocated section. The collective initial ideas are recorded in the center square and are seen to be representative of the whole group. (see Notes). Teacher moves around the groups and monitors their work and progress.
  • Collaborate
    Each team gets a pile of magazines. Working collaboratively the team has to make a picture collage by cutting up 5-10 pictures that represent their ideas from the previous activity. Teacher moves around the teams and monitors their work and progress. The teams than present their collages to the rest of the class justifying their choices.
  • Discuss
    Teacher shares a link of a common Padlet (resources - Padlet wall). Using the assessment technique: 3-2-1, students write a Note in the Padlet considering what they have learned by responding to the following prompt at the end of the lesson: 3) things they learned from your lesson; 2) things they want to know more about; and 1) questions they have. The prompt stimulates student reflection on the lesson and helps to process the learning. Students are asked to write a Journal entry with their reflection on the lesson in their Learning Diary at home (see Notes).
Think-pair-share collaborative technique: • Children consider an issue individually (think) • They then explain their ideas to a partner (pair) • Then they share views with the class Place mat collaborative technique: Place mat involves groups of students working both alone and together around a single piece of paper. The paper is divided up into sections depending on the number of members in the group and in the center is a large square or circle as shown. Children record their ideas in their allocated section and the composite result in the center belongs to the group. At home students create an online Learning Diary (using Tackk or Padlet) and write a reflection about the class activities and their progress. The links are submitted into a Google doc so the teacher can track student's reflections and progress during the project.
Resources linked: 3
Activity 1 - Establishing goals
40 minutes)
  • Discuss
    Teacher asks the question: What makes a good recipe? using AnswerGarden web tool (resources-AnswerGarden). Students give their ideas (a word or a phrase) using the online tool. A word cloud is created with all of the students ideas.
  • Collaborate
    After the brainstorming activity, students go back to their teams to define aspects of a recipe that would fulfill our goal, student-set standards (for ex.the recipe must be simple to make with ingredients that are cheap, readily available, and also nutritious). The teams make a mindmap with their standards using Cacoo (resources - Cacoo mindmap tool). Teacher moves around the groups and monitors their work and progress, providing help if need it.
  • Practice
    The teams present their mindmaps to the classroom justifying their chosen standards.
  • Discuss
    Working in teams the students discuss and peer-assess the standards presented by the teams in the previous activity using the collaborative strategy: Think-Pair-Share for the activity. (see Notes). They use the Ladder of Feedback tool for the peer-assessment of the team's presented standards (resources-Ladder of Feedback)
  • Produce
    The teams come up with a list of key words that would help them locate these perfect recipes, naming descriptions they'd expect to see in recipe titles and ingredients and nutrients that would fit with the established standards, as well as the types of food that they would want to eat, like snacks, desserts, breakfasts, dinners. The use a Padlet wall (resources-Padlet) to make the list. The goal of this step was generating search terms that would be reinforced visually in the searching and also semantically by tying them together to refine searches in the next activity. Teacher moves around the groups and monitors their work and progress, providing help if need it. Students are asked to write a Journal entry with their reflection on the lesson in their Learning Diary at home (see Notes).
Think-pair-share collaborative technique: • Children consider an issue individually (think) • They then explain their ideas to a partner (pair) • Then they share views with the team members. At home students write a reflection in their Learning Diary about the class activities and their progress.
Resources linked: 4
Activity 2 - Finding the right recipe
40 minutes)
  • Practice
    Teacher sets up Pinterest board for each of the teams. (resources-Pinterest board) (links of the boards are put into a Google doc). Each team would have to pin at least 8 recipes on the Pinterest board which they think meet the recipe's standards previously set. They use the Padlet wall with the key words to search the recipes. The rules for pinning the recipes are: 1) they had to search in English, 2) the pins/links of the recipes had to be in English, 3) they needed at least 8 pins on a board Teacher moves around the groups and monitors their work and progress, providing help if need it.
  • Investigate
    Each team gets the Pinterest board from another team. They have to peer-assess and evaluate the recipes on the board using a Google form prepared by the teacher (based on the students-standards for a good recipe). (resources-Survey: Is it a good recipe?) Teacher moves around the groups and monitors their work and progress, providing help if need it.
  • Read Watch Listen
    Teacher shares the results from the survey. The teams view the results and choose 4 out of the 8 pins to leave on their board based on the results from the survey. Teacher moves around the groups and monitors their work and progress, providing help if need it.
  • Read Watch Listen
    Using TodaysMeet students leave their Exit tickets (see Notes) for the following questions: 1. Which of the activities you did in class today was the most useful learning activity for you? Why? 2. What did you think was accomplished by the small group activities we did today? Students are asked to write a Journal entry with their reflection on the lesson in their Learning Diary at home (see Notes).
Exit slips: Are written student responses to questions teachers pose at the end of a class or lesson. They can serve a number of purposes: - provide feedback to the teacher about the class; - require the student to do some synthesis of the day’s content; - challenge the student with a question requiring some application of what was learned in the lesson. The prompt or question should require only a brief time to respond to, certainly no more than five minutes, but perhaps only 1-2 minutes. The “exit ticket’ is not intended as a major task, rather, a quick summarizer having one of the purposes listed above. The responses are not a part of formal assessment, but it can provide valuable feedback to the teacher. At home students write a reflection in their Learning Diary about the class activities and their progress.
Resources linked: 3
Activity 3 - Simplifying the recipes
40 minutes)
  • Collaborate
    The teams need to simplify the 4 pined recipes on their own Pinterest board. So here's the process they should go through: 1. Pick out all verbs in your recipe. 2. Break instructions up to include only one verb per step. 3. Begin each step with a verb. 4. Add ingredients to each step. 5. Add location/utensils for each step (e.g. oven, bowl, fridge, tray). They also need to plan how they are going to prepare one of the recipes together at home and bring it to class next week to be tested. Students use the Project Management Log: Team Tasks (resources-Team tasks logo) to keep track of project tasks, who is responsible for them, and by when.
  • Practice
    They use the online tool TitanPad (resources-TitanPad) to collaborate and simplify the recipes. Teacher moves around the groups and monitors their work and progress, providing help if need it.
  • Read Watch Listen
    The teams choose what recipe they would prepare together at home and write down the necessary ingredients to bring. (there are no facilities in the school to allow for the recipes to be made in class). Students are asked to write a Journal entry with their reflection on the lesson in their Learning Diary at home (see Notes).
The students need to take few pictures while preparing the recipe at home so it can be included in the Cookbook. The chosen recipes will be brought to school to be tested by the students during the next lesson. At home students write a reflection in their Learning Diary about the class activities and their progress.
Resources linked: 2
Activity 4 - Choosing the recipes
40 minutes)
  • Investigate
    The teams bring their prepared recipes in class and present them. Then they and let the class try them.
  • Discuss
    Each student evaluates each dish according to our standards and decided whether or not they'd recommend it. Using the collaborative technique Write/Pair/Share (see Notes) they peer-assess and discuss their recommendations.
  • Collaborate
    Students go back to their own teams and choose which recipe will be in the Cookbook for each meal group (at least 2 per group). Students are asked to write a Journal entry with their reflection on the lesson in their Learning Diary at home (see Notes).
Write/Pair/Share collaborative technique: Same as think/pair/share, but the student must develop a written response on their own before sharing. At home students write a reflection in their Learning Diary about the class activities and their progress.
Resources linked: 0
Activity 5 - Creating the Cookbook
40 minutes)
  • Read Watch Listen
    Students watch the YouTube tutorial on using Sway so they can use it to create the Cookbook with the recipes (resources - Sway tutorial).
  • Produce
    The teams then assemble a page of the Cookbook for each recipe including: - a citation for the original, - ingredients, - simplified steps, and - a photo of the finished product--and possibly the cooks. Teacher moves around the groups and monitors their work and progress, providing help if need it.
  • Discuss
    The students use the Collaboration Rubric (resources-Collaboration Rubric) to assess their collaborative work in the team during the whole project.
  • Discuss
    Students discuss and plan their presentation for next lesson using the Presentation Plan (resources-Presentation Plan) Students are asked to write a Journal entry with their reflection on the lesson in their Learning Diary at home (see Notes).
At home students write a reflection in their Learning Diary about the class activities and their progress.
Resources linked: 3
Activity 6 - Presentation of the Cookbook
40 minutes)
  • Produce
    Each team presents the recipe they created in the Cookbook in front of an audience (students, parents, teachers, experts)
  • Investigate
    The members of the audience walk around the teams and ask additional questions regarding the recipes the students presented. They also evaluate the presentation using the Project Presentation Audience Feedback Form (resources-Project Presentation Audience Feedback Form)
  • Read Watch Listen
    The teacher assesses the students using the Presentation Rubric (resources-Presentation Rubric).
  • Discuss
    Students self-assess their work during the project using the Creativity & Innovation Rubric (resources-Creativity&Innovation Rubric). At home, students write their last entry in their Learning Diary providing a reflective summary of their learning process during the project.
The created Cookbook with the recipes, all the resources used in the project, as well as all students' Learning Diaries are published on the teacher's website
Resources linked: 4

Learning Experience

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