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Posted by on December 15, 2017

Search engines place a lot of weight on the content of each web page. After all, it is this content that defines what a page is about, and the search engines do a detailed analysis of each web page they find during a crawl to help make that determination Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and provide the best answers possible. Therefore, writing quality content for your audience is also something that will immediately lead to Google’s approval. In a link building campaign, you have to find target Web sites in the first place, review them to decide if asking for a link is worthwhile, identify the contact person and send them a customized link request. When it comes to choosing keywords, it’s important that they are not too specific or too broad.

Make it sufficiently broad

SEO is a many-headed beast. From off-page elements to on-page elements, covering all aspects of SEO can easily become a Herculean task, especially when dealing with large websites. The functionality of your site should not surprise site visitors or interfere with a user’s ability to navigate. As long as you’re playing by the rules, there’s no significant danger that you’ll earn a penalty or damage your reputation in the process. Being listed at the top of the results not only provides the greatest amount of traffic, but also instills trust in consumers as to the worthiness and relative importance of the company or website.

Boost Dwell Time

Despite all the changes, the fundamentals of search engines remain the same. Mobile does not necessarily mean on the go. Studies find that people often grab the nearest device to look something up and in most cases that’s their smartphone. Technical SEO is an often misunderstood discipline that many find difficult to pin down in exact terms. Internal backlinks connect different assets — including content, product pages, or other information — together. Naturally, external backlinks will lead to increased brand exposure and sales.

Aligning Your Content

Imagine the billions of webpages to be searched when a keyword is typed into the searchbox and the answer comes on your screen within a matter of minutes? Ranking high on Google is crucial for attracting consumers to your company. By investing in blogging, you have the opportunity to establish your company as a leader in your industry, as well as reach the customers who are going to take you to the next level. Most SEOs would agree that Google’s SERP features can be a double-edged sword. They can significantly cut into your site traffic if you aren’t featured in one, or they can result in a welcome boost if you are. Gaz Hall, from SEO Hull, had the following to say: “Google is pushing towards more and more personalized search results, so in order for you to perform well, you’ll have to ensure that you provide a better user experience that keeps people on your site.”

Include your target keyword within your URL

HTTPS secures the connection to the website you are visiting. I’m sure you have seen this in action; look at the address bar in the browser and find the lock icon on the left-hand side. Is the lock closed? Then the connection is secure. SEO is the process that brings traffic to a website, but if you can’t convert that traffic into a sale, email subscriber, etc., there is no point in having it in the first place. Recognizing intent will allow you to improve keyword selection decisions and better serve your target audience. You want your company’s name to be one of the first results that they see.


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