
Thai Massage and Burmese Massage
Massage can be a relaxing moment, but it shouldn't replace your regular medical care. Consult your physician when you're considering getting a massage. If you suffer from cancer or experience unanswered pain then you must consult an expert. You should inform your masseuse of any medical concerns during the massage. Certain massages may result in soreness next day. Your masseuse should be notified if you experience discomfort or pain after the massage. If you experience any discomfort like an aching muscle, inform your masseuse know immediately. Ask for a referral if there are any questions.
Similar massages are found in Thailand as well as Burmese. Both employ downward pressure, and cross-fibres to stimulate energy meridians. It allows for deeper relaxing of the fascia. Burmese massages begin with feet and then moves upwards to the lower legs. A typical two-hour massage would take about an hour to work on the lower body. Although some masseuses will concentrate on different parts that the body has, it's best to discuss your needs with the masseuse prior to making your appointment.
Traditional Burmese massage for feet is concentrated on the soles of your feet. It is a treatment for all body parts from head to toe. The soles of your feet are a prime place to experience tension. The Ko Min Soe also offers suggestions on exercises that can strengthen the foot muscles. 80 minutes will be spent on the lower