Now You Can have An App That is Really Made For download instagram stories
Social media is becoming more beneficial to people today. Instagram is certainly one of those programs. People use it on an everyday basis to post small life events and every detail happening in their daily life in the form of photos or videos on Instagram stories. There is one disadvantage in making use of Instagram stories, they are gone immediately after 24 hours. This eventually becomes a problem if you actually want to have your own copy of those captured moments on your stories. Download Instagram stories of an entire day Methods on how to save your Instagram stories will be detailed here so that you can see the video of all the activities you did for the entire day. The video file might not be saved separately. Still, it’s far better this way than possessing no copy at all.
Let’s start. Go to and head to your feed. On the top left part, you will find “Your Story” icon. As soon as you have picked that, you will see an icon with 3 small dots; tap that to obtain more options. Click the “Save” option, followed by “Save Story.” Have patience as video rendering will take some time. You will view the video afterwards your Camera Roll.. Download Instagram Stories One at a time The previous procedure above is still required here. Bear in mind the Save option part? You can begin here in saving individual videos of your Instagram stories. It’s opposite to the above technique and it’s easy to do. On the Save button options, select Save Video, not the Save Story option. This gives you the option to pick a single photograph or clip and not the entire posts for the whole day. Then, try looking in Camera Roll or Photographs section. You will locate the save video or even clip there.
Saving Stories Using the Account of Other Instagram Users From time to time, you may also want to save an Instagram story posted by somebody else, for whatever reason you have. The whole procedure for this is simply simple for you will just make use of third party sites. The mechanics about how these site work are similar. Therefore it will be just a matter of selecting which one works right for you. Here’s How To Download Using A Third Party Website First, copy either the username or profile link. These sites may differ in its requirements. Therefore, better check them out before starting. Soon after offering the required info, you may select the story you wished to download. You will see a “Save” option. Tap it and you are all set. Save it on the folder where you would like it to open later.