Design properties

Mix the Max
Portuguese - Construction of shortstories mixing the maximum of their characters
Learning time
4 hours and 30 minutes
Designed time
4 hours and 30 minutes
Size of class
20 - 6 girls and 14 boys
In small groups of 4, the students will built a shortstory based in a scheme that provides the guiding. They will have to choose seven characters from ancient traditional stories for young children. After that, students will have to build a story, and present it in a ict tool (powtoon, storyboard, ppt...)
To create a text following the narrative organization: Introductions, development, conclusion; Be able to characterize using a diversify amount of adjectives; Use the rules of dialogue in text; Be able to create moments of climax and inovate the actions.
Affective learning outcomes, Knowledge, Analysis, Application, Synthesis, Evaluation

Timeline controls


Who? What? When? Where? How? and Why?
100 minutes)
  • Investigate
    group of 4
    All students, in groups of 4, will need to go to the schoollibrary and find one shortstory from Grimm, Perrault, Andersen, Sophia de Mello B Andresen; António Torrado; Alice Vieira; among several authors gaven from a list od Literary Education. They will have to fill a guidance sheet for research with the name of the author, his/her biography, bibliography, title of his/her books, ilustrators, editors, isbn. After fullfilling that part, students will gather information about the characters, their characterization (physic and psychological), their role in the story (friend or enemy), by drawing and using words, forming a mindmap.
Assessments are made by the end of each lesson, using "thumbs up" or "2 stars and a wish"for questions like: 1- Did the group get solid information about the authors and characters? 2- How many books, authors and characters did we get information about? 3- Did we write down every information in the right documents? 4- Was the work well distributed or someone had less to do than the rest of the group? If so, how are we going to do next time to avoid that? 5- Did we get the information in an easy way or was it hard to get it? 6- What would I change if I was starting just now, this activity?
Resources linked: 0
Which one should we chose? In the path we go...
100 minutes)
  • Discuss
    groups of 4
    Children will choose the main characters and start creating the story, articulating, based in their mindmaps and research.
  • Collaborate
    Students start and develop their creation of a shortstory, following the rules presented at the beginning, and based in an orientation module to built a narrative. Each student must have a character to characterize and a scene to write/create. After 20 minutes, everyone exchanges their texts about their characters construction with each other in order to be articulated. After 40 minutes they start writing the story together. Election of a student that will read up loud to the class, presenting their work.
Assessments are made by the end of each lesson. this time, the group will be fill in a small gride sheet, where they will have to make a swot: 1- what have we acheived; 2- did we articulate the characters and actions in a correct and meaningfull way? 3- did we create new different moments and events? 4- Did I listen to my colleagues's opinions? 5- Did we accept and solve every obstacles?
Resources linked: 0
We built together... a new story
20 minutes)
  • Practice
    groups of 4
    Each group prepares to finish their story, based on directions related to the speech, applying the rules of narrative writing.
Resources linked: 0
Our best seller!
50 minutes)
  • Produce
    groups of 4
    Students prepare or produce their video based on their story. They may use powtoon, voki, prezi, video, storyboard... This part can be the preparation made by pairs inside the group and in articulation with the disciplines of Visual Education (drawing), Tecnologic Education (handcraft) and ICT. Presentation to the community can be done in the third period/term, during the activities of the school group day, by the month of June.
This part must be done in colaboration with the ict teacher, EV and ET teachers and the librarian teacher as well.
Resources linked: 0

Learning Experience

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