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# Subject Project Status Category Tags
178021 Use per worker-class settings within our o3 infra openQA Project (public) New Feature requests o3, worker Actions
177958 Make openQA chameleons available openQA Project (public) New Feature requests Actions
177952 Consider bot accounts for obs-to-git migrated workflows QA (public) New Actions
177910 [epic] Support OBS migration to git backend QA (public) New Actions
177898 [epic] Marketing/training/documentation about new version control features openQA Project (public) New Feature requests Actions
177886 [epic] videos, tutorials, documentation openQA Project (public) New Feature requests Actions
177883 [epic] blogs, wikis, articles openQA Project (public) New Feature requests Actions
177708 documentation: Better API documentation, e.g. with openAPI openQA Project (public) New Feature requests Actions
177687 O3 ( DBD::Pg PostgreSQL server terminated abnormally openQA Tests (public) New alert, reactive work, fail Actions
177294 A openSUSE distro/iso/qcow2 targeting only openQA just like NextCloud size:S openQA Project (public) Blocked Feature requests retro Actions
177291 Share tools which help with monitoring and tracking of various tasks openQA Project (public) New Organisational retro Actions
177261 [openQA-in-openQA] Consider adding SELinux support openQA Tests (public) New Enhancement to existing tests openqa-in-openqa Actions
177045 [epic] Improved development environment for os-autoinst openQA Project (public) New Feature requests Actions
177042 [saga][epic] Future ideas for higher quality os-autoinst+openQA product openQA Project (public) New Feature requests qaaas Actions
177033 Provide a clean rendering of openQA API docs openQA Project (public) New Feature requests Actions
176730 [openqa-investigate] Investigation for job clusters creating multiple comments and producing error messages in the logs openQA Project (public) New Regressions/Crashes reactive work Actions
176487 [epic] Up-to-date Perl stack openQA Project (public) New Feature requests Actions
176346 Clear error indication if tests fail with mistyping or lost keys while system is under high load openQA Project (public) New Feature requests Actions
176340 [epic] Stable qemu backend with no unexpected mistyping openQA Project (public) New Feature requests Actions
176337 [saga][epic] Stable os-autoinst backends with stable command execution (no mistyping) openQA Project (public) New Feature requests Actions
176334 Use non-VNC console in os-autoinst full-stack test to ensure stable command execution (prevent mistyping) openQA Project (public) New Feature requests Actions
176151 [spike][timeboxed:10h] Explore tooling for checking of deployed versions and bisecting of problematic packages git across multiple repos can tell us what is being used openQA Project (public) New Actions
176148 Ensure has 100% passing unit tests in CI openQA Project (public) New Regressions/Crashes rwp Actions
176145 Preserve package cache on worker hosts openQA Project (public) New Actions
176142 Re-consider staging instances openQA Project (public) New Feature requests lesson learned, staging, o3, osd Actions
(1-25/982) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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