Faithful Christian Connections

Make genuine connections with single Christians from your local area and further afield. Find your perfect partner: someone you can attend church gatherings with, someone who is up for a brand new adventure with you.

Singles seeking long term commitment

Join a community of single Christians who are looking for love online. Find someone who shares your beliefs here.


God-centred relationships

We have genuine, devoted single men and women with good intentions, who want to find their special someone. Explore our community & start meeting with fellow churchgoers now.

Christian, Single, & ready to Mingle!

Match and connect with singles who not only share your faith, but share your desire to find love and happiness. Christian dating has never been so easy!

Faith Driven Features

Make a meaningful connection with someone who shares your beliefs. Our tried and tested features are designed with you in mind to help you find your dream partner.

Secure Private Messaging with Members

Send and receive private messages directly.

Articles & Member Blogs

Read real member stories or get creative and write your own.

24/7 Customer Care

We're here to help whenever you need any additional assistance.

Sign Up


Yes! It’s totally free to join, use the site, browse and match with members, get involved, and arrange to meet up. However, you can also upgrade to a paid VIP membership to gain full access to all premium site features, including unlimited private messaging and much more. You can upgrade or cancel online at any time.

A VIP member is one of the awesome people who have paid a small fee to upgrade their membership and help support the site financially. VIP’s get a load of great features to say thanks for their support such as unlimited messaging, priority customer support and can see who's viewed your profile.

Absolutely! As a private member site, we’re committed to protecting your security, privacy, and discretion. We never display the personal details used by any member, and you control everything shown on your profile. With a paid membership, your bank statement will only ever show a discreet and non-descript transaction rather than the name of the site. We will never share any of your information with 3rd parties.

No, we won’t! Our email systems are SenderScore certified. As a member, you can choose what you’d like us to notify you about (new direct messages, profile likes, etc). You’re also able to opt in or out whenever you like.

Once you join for free, you’ll discover a welcoming community of people looking to connect, chat, have fun, meet up, share stories, or simply exchange experiences of life. We’ve got a dedicated 24/7 Customer Support team, here to help ensure that your membership is always easy, fun, and safe.